Detalles del avistamiento

Spotter epixk091
Avistado en Kecskemét, Hungary
Fecha 2024-11-10 19:04


Camera model Redmi Note 9 Pro
Aperture 1.9
Shutterspeed 1/106
Focal length 5.4 mm

Detalles del coche

Velocidad máxima 290 km/h
Aceleración 0-100 km/h 3.50 s
Potencia 510 hp
Par 650 Nm @ 2750 rpm
Peso 1800 kg

Número de comentarios para este anuncio

  1. Profile pic
    HUNGARY Porschefan_01  -  ara 19:31

    It's a really nice spot! I don't understand why the previous spot from this car was deleted, but it's good that you uploaded it again! 🤩

  2. Profile pic
    HUNGARY epixk091  -  ara 19:48

    @Porschefan_01 needed to change the cover picture, i wanted a different one :)

  3. Profile pic
    HUNGARY Porschefan_01  -  ara 21:02

    @epixk091 Ohh, that's nice😄

  4. Éso no es ok

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