Detalles del avistamiento

Spotter Fan2voiture
Avistado en Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park (UT), United States of America
Fecha 2025-02-04 18:56

Quite unreal to take photos of a cool car there ! I was just doing a trip with my family and just after we visited this site of Monument Valley, a small group of supercars showed up ! There was this 296, a Huracan STO, a 718 spyder rs, a corvette c8 and 1 or 2 others ! Unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time but I still got some nice pics. It was in July 2024. My instagram : @mathieu_carsphotography


Camera model Canon EOS 2000D
Aperture 3.5
Shutterspeed 1/1024
Focal length 18.0 mm

Detalles del coche

Velocidad máxima 336 km/h
Aceleración 0-100 km/h 2.90 s
Potencia 830 hp
Par 740 Nm @ 6250 rpm
Peso 1470 kg

Número de comentarios para este anuncio

  1. Profile pic
    SPAIN markoss  -  ara 18:58

    Utterly beautiful

  2. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS tdv_photography  -  ara 18:58

    Insane place to spot a Ferrari. Such a shame the most pictures are the same..

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Flint_Cars  -  ara 19:00

    Awsome locaties! Really cool!

  4. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Style  -  ara 19:00


  5. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:00

    @markoss Yes ! Thanks !

  6. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:04

    @tdv_photography The place is really nice yes ! For the pictures I did my best but my camera wasn't helping me (with the heat of the Death Valley it had problems of focus during the rest of the trip) and I just had like 2 mins to take some photos.

  7. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:05

    @Style Indeed ! Thanks !

  8. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:05

    @Flint_Cars Thanks mate !

  9. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS CarspotsbyMatthias  -  ara 19:12

    Very cool!!

  10. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS tdv_photography  -  ara 19:16

    Ah okay makes sense!

  11. Profile pic
    GERMANY Nightcrawler  -  ara 19:17

    well... that's a scenery

  12. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Axel  -  ara 19:17

    The first two and last two pictures look like a videogame. Insane place to spot a car like this!

  13. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  ara 19:23

    Insane photoshoot! 😍😍

  14. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:28

    @Nightcrawler Hard to find a better place !

  15. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:29

    @Dalzzz Thank you ! It really is !

  16. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Anthonio  -  ara 19:30

    Beautiful pictures / shoot off a wel know landscape😍

  17. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:36

    @Anthonio Thanks ! The landscape is indeed insane !

  18. Profile pic
    Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan  -  ara 20:08

    Stunning photoshoot and this landscape is a perfect location to take this pics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Spotter_2017  -  ara 20:45

    This photos looks like from computers game!

  20. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 21:51

    [@Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan] Thanks ! It really is !

  21. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 21:52

    @Spotter_2017 A bit yes !

  22. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  -  ara 23:03

    What a stunning location, nice pictures mate

  23. Profile pic
    SPAIN GonzaloCorleone  -  ara 09:07

    Forza Horizon

  24. Profile pic
    FRANCE PRspott  -  ara 09:51

    Une voiture splendide dans un des plus beaux lieus du monde ! Félicitations pour ces superbes photos !

  25. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS wessel.jpeg  -  ara 11:39

    Insane!!! This photos look like Ferrari made themselve

  26. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS R&M-spots  -  ara 11:44

    Great find on such a beautiful location!

  27. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS PJW99  -  ara 11:53

    Amazing! Beautiful landscape with a beautiful Ferrari! 😍

  28. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS De Friezen Crew  -  ara 12:43


  29. Profile pic
    HUNGARY PETYA  -  ara 13:20

    First picture should be in Ferrari Magazine! Amazing shoot!

  30. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM Miles A.  -  ara 14:24

    Stunning photos! 😍

  31. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:57

    @Rostyslav Thanks mate !

  32. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:58

    @GonzaloCorleone It looks a bit like it yes !

  33. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:58

    @PRspott Vraiment le combo est sublime ! Merci !

  34. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:59

    @wessel.jpeg Thank you for the kind words !

  35. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 20:01

    @R&M-spots @PJW99 [@De Friezen Crew] Thank you guys !

  36. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 20:02

    @PETYA I should ask them lol, thank you !

  37. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 20:02

    [@Miles A.] Thank you !

  38. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS mvw_carspots  -  ara 21:24

    lovely shots

  39. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  ara 22:26

    Amazing car and incredible location, great spot! 😍

  40. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hoosier_Exotics  -  ara 03:37

    Breathtaking shots!

  41. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  ara 17:44

    What a stunning find!!! Those are some beautiful pictures

  42. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Rover-Spots  -  ara 19:02


  43. Profile pic
    FRANCE Fan2voiture  -  ara 19:55

    Thank you really much guys ! I'm glad you like these pics as much as I do !

  44. Profile pic
    SPAIN clc.spotss  -  ara 07:39

    Awesome pics!!!

  45. Éso no es ok

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