Detalles del avistamiento

Spotter Luxurycars_bymario
Avistado en Finestrat, Spain
Fecha 2023-11-29 19:20

This one is a rare 992 Turbo finished in PTS Acid Green and it’s also the first 992 Turbo/TurboS uploaded to the site with this paint! Would you pay the price of a Turbo S for a PTS turbo?

Detalles del coche

Velocidad máxima 320 km/h
Aceleración 0-100 km/h 2.80 s
Potencia 573 hp
Par 750 Nm @ 2250 rpm
Peso 1615 kg

Número de comentarios para este anuncio

  1. Profile pic
    SERBIA mat_spotting  -  ara 19:25


  2. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM Joshyboy1236  -  ara 19:52

    Interesting spec! Cool spot though!

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS mikey_cars  -  ara 22:00

    Really cool colour!

  4. Profile pic
    SPAIN GuillemZagato Spotter  -  ara 06:44

    Dios q bonito!! ????

  5. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS tk97  -  ara 12:47

    Crazy bespoke spec, great spot!

  6. Profile pic
    SPAIN Luxurycars_bymario  -  ara 23:52

    Thank you Guys!
    [@GuillemZagato Spotter ]

  7. Éso no es ok

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